
Spare Me the Psychic Force

Our leaders should not trust feelings over facts. We should not elect anyone whose greatest strength is an ability to spout convincing nonsense. And being an outsider is not, in and of itself, a virtue. In fact, we know this. We know it because we’ve already elevated a cocksure, lying, anti-science buffoon to the White House. Let’s not make the same mistake twice.

Whose Side Are You On, Mitch?

A man who refuses to work with his fellow Americans against hostile foreign interference has no business serving as a U.S. Senator. Maybe at some point McConnell ran for office with good intentions and a desire to represent the people of Kentucky, but those good intentions have paved a road to hell and McConnell is the king of that road.

Don’t Blame Us

It’s sort of like a person on a diet who knows the only way he’ll be able to resist the temptation of ice cream is to avoid bringing ice cream into his home. But women are not ice cream. We’re not optional or frivolous or bad for your health. Women are like water. You actually need us to survive.

She’s Definitely Not His Type

She’s not the victim most people want to see, which I think makes her all the more credible. A liar would work harder to meet our expectations of what she should say and how she should say it. E. Jean Carroll can’t be bothered to put on the designer cloak of victimhood. She’s telling her story in her way. You can like it or not.

Sock it to Us

Can you imagine what would happen if a man were forced to get outside permission to take Viagra or to have a vasectomy? Suppose we made men stand before a court of mostly women and justify their medical decisions. Perhaps we’d ask men to explain in great detail why they have so much trouble maintaining an erection or why they’ve decided to eliminate future potential children. Maybe we’d tell men that impotence is a sign that God doesn’t want them to have sex and that they have no right to interfere with God’s plans.

Tiffany Quay Tyson