
Lindsey Graham, Shape Shifter

If this were a superhero movie or comic book, I’d enjoy watching Lindsey Graham use his shameless hypocrisy to inspire chaos. Before the final frame or the last page, however, I’d expect him to be soundly defeated. Villains like Graham don’t last long in an ethical world. I don’t know what it says about South Carolina or America that he has prevailed so long in this world. He’s a joke, but a dangerous one.

Pep Talk: Please Reflect the Upbeat Attitude of the Team

“I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude of the team.” —Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley on why he misled reporters about Trump’s supplemental oxygen usage. Our team’s attitude is U-P-B-E-A-T! Go team! Look, I know things look grim. We’re metaphorically and maybe actually coughing up a lung. It’s cool though, because we have an …

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Inconceivable. Horrifying. Infuriating.

As we observe the anniversary of 9/11 today, we should take stock of what our country has become. When those terrible attacks happened 19 years ago, we swore we’d come back stronger, more united, and better than ever. For a while, it looked like we might. But then we elected Donald Trump and we were exposed as a weak and divided nation. Trump and his followers haven’t made us great, they’ve made us pitiable. They’ve made us weak.

Tiffany Quay Tyson